
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Life Lessons

 #1. Excellent things happen to people who do excellent things.

#2. Morning exercise is a game-changer.

#3. The things that are hardest to do are the things that are generally the wisest to do.

#4. Words can help others grow. Or hurt people’s hearts.

#5. Creativity shines brightest when we are alone. Make time for silence, stillness and solitude.

#6. Education is inoculation against disruption. Read for an hour each day to protect your hope, refine your craft and grow your knowledge.

#7. The fears you don’t face become your walls. And doubts are destroyed by strong action.

#8. What hurts us can help us. Leverage hardship to reclaim your natural heroism.

#9. Cheap costs more.

#10. The game of leadership is helpfulness.

#11. Mastery takes massive practice, unrelenting patience and vast devotion. It’s a very difficult obsession. And one of the best commitments you can make.

#12. An amazing family life sets you up for a glorious business life.

#13. Keep your promises. Never lie. Outwork your peers. Deliver beautiful value. People watch what you do. Even if you think they don’t.

#14. You can’t inspire others if you are uninspired. Actively work to keep your enthusiasm and inner fire high. Be with art. Go to conferences. Travel. Explore.

#15. Life can change in a day. Savor the blessings of this moment. Even if you’re going through a trial, you still have much to be grateful for.

#16. Start your day well. Rising with the sun to prepare your self and calibrate the tone for a superb day is a move of the masters. It really will change your performance and life if you do it daily.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Find Your Ikigai And Transform Your Life

 Ikigai (pronounced “eye-ka-guy”) is, above all else, a lifestyle that strives to balance the spiritual with the practical.

This balance is found at the intersection where your passions and talents converge with the things that the world needs and is willing to pay for.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt a certain existential frustration that stemmed from the conflicting desires. One one hand, I wanted to live a life of meaning and consequence. On the other, I wanted to enjoy the lifestyle that came along with money.

The result was an infuriating struggle between the things that made money and the things I truly cared about.

I set out to solve this with a concept I called “Enlightened Entrepreneurship,” which tried to find the right balance between these seemingly conflicting goals.

However, I always felt it was missing a certain something that I could never put my finger on.

I now believe that Ikigai is the refined version of the concept I was looking for. It is, simply put, your reason for getting out of bed every morning.

Discovering your Ikigai

One of the many mistakes I’ve made in my life was believing that money led to fulfillment. That’s largely why I went into finance in the first place.

When I think back on those days, I can’t help but think of the James Taylor lyric “you can play the game and you can act out the part,even though you know it wasn't written for you.”

It never felt right, but I thought that if I had money, then I could have an impact on the world.

What I learned, however, is that form follows intent.

To discover you Ikigai, you must first find what you’re most passionate about. Then, you find the medium through which you can express that passion.

Steve Jobs is a fantastic example of this idea. It’s easy to think of Jobs as a titan of technology, but that would be inaccurate. Jobs was a lover of fine craftsmanship, first and foremost.

Whether it was a matter of collecting handmade Japanese tea cups or obsessing over design details of various products, he wrapped himself in his passion for finely made items.

Apple and Pixar were merely his chosen mediums of expression.

This is something that I can relate to. I’d be lying if I said that I always cared deeply about finance, technology, or franchising. Truth be told, those things are not particularly meaningful to me in and of themselves.

What I am passionate about is transparency, truth, and helping people live up to their highest potential.

My company is simply the vehicle through which I can take these passions, apply them to the things that the world needs, and make a profit in the process.

In other words, BodeTree is my Ikigai.

A transformative realization

This is not to say that work is the most important thing in my life. That honor falls to my faith and my family. While I’m far from perfect, I strive to make sure that they are the center of my life.

However, there’s a difference between the things that are important in your life and your life’s work.

Ikigai is about finding joy, fulfillment, and balance in the daily routine of life.

It’s all too easy to fall victim to siloed thinking, that our job, family, passions, and desires are all separate and unrelated aspects of our lives.

The fundamental truth of Ikigai is that nothing is siloed. Everything is connected.

This realization has changed my outlook for the better. Whether you call it Ikigai or Enlightened Entrepreneurship, the truth remains. It is possible to be true to your passions, live a life of consequence, and still use business as a medium of expression.

At the intersection of all of this are feelings of peace and lasting happiness that can sustain us throughout our entire lives.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Laws of Sustained Positivity

 #1. Positivity is not a talent but a practice.

#2. Difficulty is simply cheerfulness training [hardship shows up to strengthen your character and adversity unfolds to burn away all impurities].

#3. You become your influences so remove the dream stealers and evade the hope takers. Immediately. (Please).

#4. The aim is not to grow into someone other than who you are; the goal is to work through the layers of doubt and fear that you’ve accumulated on this earthwalk to remember who you truly are.

#5. You’ll only become as positive as your mentors. So choose yours well.

#6. Focusing on the dignity and honor of your work instead of upon the rewards of your work is a precious source of positivity.

#7. Excellent health and fine fitness promote radiant optimism and an undefeatable state of being.

#8. Gratitude is the antidote to apathy. And appreciation is a vaccination against fear.

#9. Being of service to others is a gateway into unrestrained joy. And a testimony to your nobility.

#10. Intimacy with your mortality amplifies your inspiration to get giant things done, love with aliveness and treat everyone you meet with kindness. Regularly consider the fact that you’ll die.

#11. Becoming a legendary learner upgrades your neurochemistry so you unlock greater positivity. Sleep not without becoming a little wiser.

#12. To be alone often and to train yourself to savor silence is a powerful regime to grow more cheerful.

#13. In discovering a cause to donate your life to and a crusade that activates your native genius is to reduce your worry and to live in the moment.

#14. Great pain comes by the mistreatment of others. So becoming a kinder human will make you happier.

#15. To walk into the fires of the projects you are resisting is to reclaim the self-respect you’ve been too often denying. Which will make you more confident. And absolutely more positive.

#16. Living a more minimalistic life, free of debt, too many trinkets and overwhelming obligations will reset your joy.

#17. Approaching each day with a mind set to serve and a heart devoted to unusual helpfulness will electrify your positivity. And make your mark on society.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Managing romantic and personal relationships during times of stress


One of the most difficult aspects of lockdown for many people has been the enforced intimacy with partners and children. This has had a way of exposing the cracks in even the strongest of relationships—and now the easing of restrictions is adding wider family back into the mix. We are tired after a year of anxiety, and none of us is exactly at our best.
Fortunately, we all come equipped with a lifetime’s worth of experience in personal relationships. What’s more, the skills that we may learn at work about managing relationships with others can also be applied to our personal relationships. For example:
  • When you give feedback, focus on behaviour, and describe the effect on you;
  • When you need to negotiate, look for win–win solutions, not ones that result in one of you losing out; and
  • Remember that you are equals. You can and should be assertive, rather than either aggressive or passive.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Does your husband make you happy?

During a class at Fresno Pacific University, a speaker asked one of the spouses in the audience:
"Does your husband make you happy?"
At this moment, the husband stood up straighter, showing complete confidence. He knew his wife would say yes, because she had never complained about anything during their marriage.
However, his wife answered the question with a resounding "No." "No, my husband does not make me happy."
The husband was baffled, but his wife continued:
"My husband never made me happy, and he does not make me happy. I am happy."
"Whether I am happy or not is dependent not on him, but on me. I am the only person on whom my happiness depends.
I choose to be happy in every situation and every moment of my life, for if my happiness depended on another person, thing or circumstance, I would be in serious trouble.
Everything that exists in this life constantly changes: the human being, the riches, my body, the climate, my boss, the pleasures, the friends, and my physical and mental health. I could quote an endless list.
I need to decide to be happy regardless of anything else that happens. Whether I own a lot or a little, I am happy! Whether I'm going out or staying home alone, ​​I'm happy! Whether I am rich or poor, I am happy!
I am married, but I was already happy when I was single.
I'm happy for myself.
I love my life not because my life is easier than anyone else's, but because I have decided to be happy as an individual. I am responsible for my happiness.
When I take this obligation from my husband and anyone else, I free them from the burden of carrying me on their shoulders. It makes everyone's life much lighter.
And that's how I've had a successful marriage for so many years."
Never give anyone else the responsibility to control your happiness. Be happy, even if it's hot, even if you're sick, even if you do not have money, even if someone has hurt you, even if someone does not love you and even if you do not value yourself.
That goes for women and men of all ages
       BE  HAPPY🌺🌸

Friday, November 3, 2017


Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation. It is a mindful acknowledgment of all that we have been given. When we focus on the abundance in our lives, we discover a greater capacity for generosity, cheerfulness, and contentment.

Expressing gratitude is a rewarding habit that affirms the grace of the giver. Gratitude opens our hearts, encourages us to savor each gift that comes our way, and magically frees us from jealously guarding our possessions. It lets us celebrate today rather than waiting for the next level of accomplishment or wealth. It is a reminder that one can always find reason to be glad.